innovations and technologies


complete the check list

Before replacing the turbocharger

A loss of power, noise during operation, too much smoke, or excessive oil consumption can be caused by a defect in the fuel injection system, a constriction or blockage in the air filter, damage in the exhaust system, or a lubrication problem.

01. Poor running performance

– Check that the filter, hoses and piping are clean and in good condition.
– Check that the fuel injection system is in good condition and properly adjusted.
– Also check for errors in the engine management system (ECU).
– Check that the exhaust system, including the catalytic converter and DPF (diesel particulate filter), does not
Is clogged or damaged.

02. Noise during operation

– Check that piping and support brackets are not loose or damaged and that connections
Are in good condition.
– Check for leaks or cracks in the intercooler.

03. Excessive oil consumption and smokiness

– Check that the air filter is not restricted or blocked.
– Verify that the technical specifications of the engine oil perfectly match the recommendations
of the automaker.
– Check that the oil drainage pipe is clean and has no constriction.
– Check that there is no excessive pressure in the engine crankcase and that the venting system of the
engine works properly.
– Check that the hoses and joints are in good condition.
– Check that there are no lubrication problems in the engine block, in case they are
found oil or carbon deposits in the exhaust manifold or at the turbine inlet.

Customer service always on
Logistics centers throughout Europe


The high quality of our products

Constant upgrades of the instrumentation used and continuous training of all staff are the basic requirements to ensure high quality standards. Every step, from the manufacturing process, to assembly, to turbocharger functionality testing, is followed with the utmost care and attention to ensure the best efficiency.

Contact us as you prefer

Scrivi ora la tua richiesta

Richiedi GRATIS un preventivo.

Un nostro operatore ti aiuterà nella scelta della turbina giusta per la tua auto. Grazie ad un ampio magazzino il turbo individuato sarà subito spedito tramite corriere espresso.

Chiedi un preventivo gratuito o informazioni sui nostri prodotti


+39 0835383054

+39 0662205100

+39 0239198233


dal lunedì al sabato
dalle 08:30 alle 20:00

Write your request now

Request a FREE quote.

One of our operators will help you choose the right turbine for your car.
Thanks to a large warehouse, the identified turbo will be shipped immediately by express courier.

Ask for a free quote or information about our products


+39 0835383054

+39 0662205100

+39 0239198233


Monday to Saturday
8: 30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Thank you!

Your request has been taken care of. 

One of our operators will contact you for FREE as soon as possible informing you of the quote.
