Enter the requested information and the PROMO code to receive the DIEN KIT.
One of our operators will contact you as soon as possible to verify your shipping address.
We will send the signed DIEN giveaway along with your next order.
The kit includes a cap, t-shirt, and dungarees.
Promotion valid while supplies last.
The service operates Monday through Saturday
+39 0835 383054
+39 06 62205100
+39 02 39198233
Copyright © 2020 www.dien.it | VAT 01224860773 | Powered by Azanet
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Ask for a free quote or information about our products
+39 0835383054
+39 0662205100
+39 0239198233
Monday to Saturday
8: 30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.